Tuesday, October 27, 2009

:: cybils nomination ::

The Legend of Ninja Cowboy Bear was nominated for a Cybils Award! A shortlist of the Finalists will be announced on January 1, 2010. After that, a separate judging panel will select a winner on February 14, 2010.

It is a distinct honour to be nominated!

A good picture book is a pleasing merger of text and artwork. A great picture book is a celebration of story and illustration, with lasting appeal for kids and/or adults. The best picture books completely excel in art, story, kid-friendliness, and adult appeal.

A Cybils-winning picture book adds that special "It Factor." In message, in world-view, in connection, in humor, in reach, a book with "It Factor" rises to a higher level. These are the picture books we bring home to show our seventh-grade daughter. These are the titles that we recommend repeatedly to everyone who will listen. These are the ones we buy even if we have no preschool children, and the ones we pull out to read again and again. And at the end of the Cybils judging, these are the books that we hope to share with you.

--Pam Coughlan, organizer